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Comprehensive Quilting Services & Retreat

At The Quilt Idaho, we aim to create an atmosphere of creativity and inspire productivity when working on your sewn projects. We wish to make our retreat both comfortable and convenient for you and your friends to be able to relax, socialize, and get some progress done on your quilts.

The Quilt Idaho Retreat is a vacation rental home set up specifically for quilters, sewers, and other crafters. Our rental rate is to rent the entire house per night. We do not rent to individuals, but small groups up to seven.


Photo Credit: Rachel Yasinksi



We have fallen in love with the art and community of the quilting world and strive to create an environment where local quilters can be inspired and comfortable when working their quilting magic. We promise to work hard to continuously improve our services to meet the needs of our patrons and promote the longevity of the quilting traditions for generations to come. Thank you for being part of the building our dream.